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Ballymahon Co. Longford, Ballymahon, Co. Longford



323,749 sq.m.

Brennan Property Consultants are delighted to bring to the market this 80 acre forestry site in Co. Longford.This is a fantastic opportunity to procure a large patch of land providing a variety of different plots rich in agriculture, and is available for thinning.

The 8 hector circumference of Ash is ready for thinning next year and entitles those who do so to a grant.Other crops include, sitka spruce, rowan and oak trees, a 0.7 circumference ringfort and a 16 hector circumference of Norway Spruce.On average, the Norway spruce is clearfelled at 45 years to 50 on average, the ash is 70 to 80 years of age whilst oak is 120 plus.

Apart from plots 5 and 7 which were replanted in 2012 with Sitka spruce a thinning could be done every 5 years or so here depending on weather conditions and stability of the crop. All crops on the site are well sheltered, fertile and well established.

The area also benefits from a river running through the middle of it which can still be traversed with a forwarder when harvesting due to the presence of bedrock.In addition, there is currently an application in place for a roadway at the site's entrance.There is a grant awarded for the provision of the roadway if the new owner wishes to pursue the application.

This is a beautiful area which offers much value by way of thinning as well as grant entitlement. An opportunity not to be missed.

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